Tag Archives: Bleuet

7943 Bleuet 600 ML Aluminum Cookset – Stove Reviews

7943 Bleuet 600 ML Aluminum Cookset – Stove Lightweight, hard anodized aluminum Includes pot, lid, and windshield stove unit Stove unit fits inside pot for space-saving convenience Foldable, no heat handle Uses 14g fuel cubes The bleuet 600 ML cookset includes pot, lid, built in wind screen and a mesh bag to store the unit. Bleuet stands for safe and highly efficient solid fuel cubes and stoves that have been used the world over. This compact solid […]

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Bleuet 1350 Degree Smokeless 14 gram Solid Fuel Cubes

Bleuet 1350 Degree Smokeless 14 gram Solid Fuel Cubes Individually packaged in water resistant, blister packs. Approximately 15 minutes burn time per cube. Can be extinguished and re-lit, resuable. One cube will bring 1 pint of water to a rolling boil in less than 8 minutes – strong heating output. Ignites with match or lighter Solid Fuel Cube ignites with match or lighter, non toxic and biodegradable , leaves no residue burns at 1300 degrees for 19 […]

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