Survival Tabs – 15 Day Survival Food Supply – 10+ Year Shelf Life

Survival Tabs – 15 Day Survival Food Supply – 10+ Year Shelf Life
Survival Tabs - 15 Day Survival Food Supply - 10+ Year Shelf Life

  • 15 Day Supply at 12 Tablets Per day (180 Tablets)
  • 10+ Year Shelf Life
  • Vanilla Flavor
  • 100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals
  • Survival Tabs are so completely digestible that 99% of their calorie content can be actually utilized for energy.

A 15 day supply of survival food under 2 lbs, with a 10+ year shelf life! When Survival Food Tabs were formulated, a host of factors were considered in order to adapt them to their purpose as a lightweight, emergency, life-sustaining food ration:

1. The less intake of food, the more efficient the body becomes. Basically, when food intake is reduced, it remains in the digestive tract longer and assimilates more completely.

2. Survival Food Tabs are 100% digestible as well as completely assimilated by the body.

Survival Tabs uses protein of a high biological value, which is 100% utilized. This helps protect the body from cannibalism of its own protective tissues. The fat is composed totally of fatty acids which provide the essential ingredients of fat. The carbohydrates are of the high quality and 100% utilized too.

3. In 90% of all survival situations, some additional food will be available. The Survival Food Tabs are designed to be the Margin of Survival.

12 Tabs Per Day Are All You’ll Need for Survival Tabs to Keep You Alive. The recommended consumption of 12 tabs per day may be decreased when other foods are available in adequate amounts and quality. Or it may be increased in times of complete starvation or extreme physical exertion. 12 Tabs provide…

100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals. Survival Tabs are so completely digestible that 99% of their calorie content can be actually utilized for energy. Ninety-seven percent of the protein content is available for repair or replacement of essential body substances, such as blood, muscle and nerves.

10+ Year Shelf Life: Survival Tabs have been produced and packaged to last at least 10 years.

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