Magic Makers Simon Lovell’s Survival Magic by Magic You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime – No Special Props Required

Magic Makers Simon Lovell’s Survival Magic by Magic You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime – No Special Props Required
Magic Makers Simon Lovell's Survival Magic by Magic You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime - No Special Props Required

  • Learn Some Of The Very Best Magic Tricks For On The Go That Can Make You Magic All the Time
  • These Are Easy Tricks That DO NOT Require Any Special Props
  • Simon Lovell Will Teach You Each Trick Step-by-Step For Fast and Easy Learning
  • This Instructional Magic Training DVD Shows You How to Perform 14 Mind Blowing Effects
  • Magic Tricks by Magic Makers – Become the Magic

Included on this instructional magic training course are some of the very best, no special props required, astonishment’s that can make you magic all the time!
So even when you’ve lost your luggage, forgotten your apparatus or are just put on the spot to do something spectacular, you’ll always be ready to rock the room…

Simon Lovell will take you step-by-step through every trick for fast and easy learning.
You will be able to become a pro in no time and astound spectators anytime, anywhere at a moments notice.


  • Simon’s Center Tear
  • Producing Business Cards
  • A Riddle
  • Torn & Restored Napkin
  • Paper Rose
  • Vanishing Glass
  • Sugar Survival
  • Sheep & Robbers
  • A Rubberband Trick
  • Rubberband Ring Trick
  • Inside Out
  • Do As I Do
  • Ultimate Bet
  • Pyramid Power

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