ER Emergency Ready 6N Solar/Hand-Crank Powered Emergency LED Flashlight and AM/FM Radio

ER Emergency Ready 6N Solar/Hand-Crank Powered Emergency LED Flashlight and AM/FM Radio
ER Emergency Ready 6N Solar/Hand-Crank Powered Emergency LED Flashlight and AM/FM Radio

  • Super Bright LED Flashlight-LED bulb provides over 100,000 hours of emergency light.
  • AM/FM Radio-Excellent reception for tuning into emergency broadcasts.
  • Solar Power-Solar panel allows you to charge the internal battery by placing in direct light for unlimited usage.
  • Hand Crank Power-Built in generator allows you to charge the internal battery by cranking with your hand so that you never run out of battery power.
  • Mobile Phone Charger-Can help save lives, by providing enough power for a short voice or text conversation. Comes with universal adapter that connects to your phone’s car charger

The ER  Emergency Ready Solar/Hand-Crank Flashlight and AM/FM Radio facilitates communication following an emergency and ensures you will never be caught in the dark. This multi-functional radio provides news updates via AM/FM radio, powerful LED lighting, emergency strobe and a Universal Mobile Charging Socket, making it an essential addition to any emergency kit. Cranking the Charging Handle for 1 minute at 2 turns per second provides 20 minutes of usage.

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