Apple Turnover Ready to Eat Sandwiches Reviews

Apple Turnover Ready to Eat Sandwiches
Apple Turnover Ready to Eat Sandwiches

  • Don’t forget dessert! This shelf-stable Apple Turnover pocket will save the day when you are craving dessert, even in the air

There are a fortunate few who have never been hungry on an extended flight or stranded at an airport with no working vending machines. For the rest of us, there is a solution.Ready to Eat Sandwiches provide nourishing, shelf-stable meals (80° F or less = 3 years, 100° F = 6 months). No water or heat is required for preparation. Just tear open and eat! They are great for flying, but also handy when backpacking, camping, hunting, fishing, and boating. They are a great addition to any home emergency or survival kit. Each “On the Go Pack” contains two sandwiches. Choose from eight great-tasting flavors; all approved and used by the United States Military.

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