adobe milling Anasazi Beans 10 lb burlap bag

adobe milling Anasazi Beans 10 lb burlap bag
adobe milling Anasazi Beans 10 lb burlap bag

Anasazi is a Navajo word meaning “Ancient One” Anasazi beans are beans that were found in the cliff dwellings in the four corners area. They were found at Mesa Verde National Park and in many of the unnamed Anasazi dwellings that dot the countryside . Anasazi beans are grown on the same High altitude { 7,000 feet } dry land soil that the Indians grew them on. Anasazi beans are considered an unusually tasty baking bean. They are also very tasty when cooked with ham or as chili beans. The Anasazi bean cooks faster and is sweeter than the pinto bean. The Anasazi grew other types of beans but none as pretty or tasty.

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